You could say that Opening the Heart (Tong Yuan) is the heart of Yuan Qigong. The method returns the heart to its original, pure, and innocent state. In that state, the heart is full of Trust, Openness, Love, Gratitude, and True Respect. These qualities are always present but are often hidden by the negative reactional and emotional patterns trying to protect the false self from hurt.
In this method, there are no movements, sounds, or postures to master. It is a completely internal method. Guided meditations invite us to deeply experience each quality of the heart and to use our hearts to both receive information and communicate with our world and all things.
Videos with Ren Xue creator Yuan Tze and his partner and interpreter, Melissa, accompany each session and introduce us to what is meant by each quality (and its opposite) and to the vocabulary of the heart. The course also contains some bonuses - videos from those who have experienced a full heart opening who explain the effect that has had on them and those around them.