Strengthen Organs

(Xia Yuan)

Strengthen Organs quickly and strongly activates Qi of the organs.  The practice is suitable for beginners. Like all of the other practices, Strengthen Organs can be practiced on its own.  As part of an integrated and comprehensive system, the practices enhance and mutually benefit one another.

Course Outline

When you sign up for this course, we will send you a welcome letter and a series of four instructional emails, one per week for the next month. Each email will include links to supportive written information (PDFs) audio (MP3s) or online videos according to the following schedule:


The goal for learning in Week 1 is to introduce you to Strengthen Organs, a method that bridges the External Transformation methods that work primarily on the body and Qi (Gathering and Nourishing Energy and Bring it Deeper) and later methods that focus on Internal Transformation.


Week 2 materials are designed to help you improve your practice by improving your movements and by introducing you to the sounds of Strengthen Organs.


A Yuan Gong practice isolated from the rest of your life will have limited ability to effect change. This week you’ll learn about integrating your practice into your life and your life into your practice!


Strengthen Organs works on deep, organ Qi and, by now, you may have experienced the strong Qi reactions Strengthen Organs can activate. As you become more and more familiar with Qi, this week’s supplemental methods can be added to your practice.

Meet the Registrar

Jana Chamales is the registrar for our At-Home Learning program. If you have any questions about this course, you may contact her at

Registration and Payment Form