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Yuan Tze's Books
Online courses
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For your practice
Our Yuan Qigong Audios
Purchase one of our practice audios to download to your device or stream to support your Yuan Qigong practice at home. Your digital download will be accessible in an ongoing way from your library after purchase.
No. 11 Tian Yuan
(55 minutes)
No. 12 Tian Yuan with music
(55 minutes)
No. 13 Tian Yuan & Di Yuan
(74 minutes)
No. 14 Tian Yuan & Di Yuan
(81 minutes)
No. 15 Tian Yuan & Di Yuan
(104 minutes)
For your practice
Practice Videos - Online or as DVD
These videos are only for demonstration of the practice. They are not a learning tool. Proper instructions from qualified teachers and/or Online Learning are essential for accurate and effective practice of Yuan Gong.
Video No. 1: Tian Yuan & Di Yuan
Called "Energy Gathering" and "Nourishing Energy" in the At-Home Learning program
This Demonstration DVD uses the soundtrack from Yuan Gong practice MP3 audio No. 2. It consists of Tian Yuan (method 1) and Di Yuan (method 2) standing form (6 minutes at Lower Dantian, 3 minutes at Middle Dantian and 3 minutes at Upper Dantian).
Video No. 2: Ren Yuan
Called "Bring It Deeper" in the At-Home Learning program
This video uses the soundtrack from Yuan Gong practice MP3 audio No. 19. It consists of Ren Yuan (method 3) which is designed to improve Qi in the channels. Sustained practice can strengthen the physical body and improve overall health.