Ren Xue Retreat

With Fiona McLaughlin
  • September 21-25, 2024
  • San Anselmo, California
  • Non-Residential Retreat
Take the next step towards a bright future

Create a Loving and Open-Hearted World 

Imagine how life would be if you were profoundly connected to yourself, others, nature, and the universe in each and every moment. A place where you feel comfort and a deep knowing you belong and are loved no matter what. We invite you on a beautiful journey to discover how to create this for yourself and others around you using Ren Xue, the study of human life. 

Ren Xue of the Americas is thrilled to announce we are holding a five-day workshop in San Anselmo California, with special guest Fiona McLaughlin.

Fiona is a Ren Xue Qigong teacher who, using Yuan Gong Qigong, cured herself from a life-threatening illness. From a prognosis of two years left to live, she is now healthy and amazingly, with the help of Ren Xue, has reached the stage of self-realization. 

In this workshop, we will immerse ourselves in a loving-hearted atmosphere and help you: 

  • Deeply explore the barriers you have that prevent you from being in an open, soft, gentle place with yourself and others around you.
  • Learn how to experience being with others, basking in the heart qualities of trust, openness, love, gratitude, and true respect. 
  • Resolve deep hurts, forgive, and feel deep love for yourself and all people of the world. 
  • Heal your own heart so it no longer needs to hide shame and despair.
  • Feel serenity, beauty, and joy within, moment by moment.
  • Learn and practice Yuan Qigong methods to help you re-energise, create health, and live in a calm, relaxed and joyful state of being. 
  • Nurture a deep heart connection with a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Meet Fiona McLaughlin

Fiona McLaughlin is a Ren Xue teacher from New Zealand who, using Yuan Gong Qigong and Life Cultivation, cured herself from a life-threatening illness. Fiona started practicing Ren Xue in 2018 after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue and given a prognosis of two years left to live. 

Through Ren Xue, Fiona regained her vitality and health. She learned a new way of being, to live in a relaxed and calm state in harmony with others and the world. She is now healthy and amazingly, with the help of Ren Xue, has reached the stage of self-realisation.

Inspired by what Ren Xue offers, Fiona guides others on the Ren Xue path of growth and wisdom. She helps people live a life where they are no longer swept away by their damaging feelings and thoughts, enabling them to experience the world with trust, openness, love, gratitude and deep respect. 

She specialises in the practice of Yuan Ming, which helps people identify and resolve the root causes that underlie illness, trauma, or psychological distress. Through this work, people address unhealthy emotional and mental habits and strengthen their overall health. Yuan Ming helps us improve our relationships with family, society, and nature, so these relationships become harmonious. It helps us enjoy a healthy and happy life and develop realization and wisdom.

Fiona runs a full-time practice leading classes, workshops, and retreats. She also works one-on-one with clients to discover and nurture their connection to their heart (xin) and true self (shen) so they can become profoundly connected to themselves and the universe. 

Practice Qigong Together

This retreat is offered to people with varying levels of experience with Yuan Qigong: from complete beginners to experienced practitioners. Yuan Qigong is easy to learn, safe & very effective.  You will learn moving and still Qigong methods from qualified teachers who will be there to guide you throughout the retreat.  We recommend practicing according to your own physical condition and know that modifications are always available. This is your opportunity to make good progress in a short time.


Be together with REN XUE practitioners from past retreats or see people you may know only from online events and classes. Now is the time to gather in-person again. If you have never attended a REN XUE retreat, this is an opportunity to meet like-minded peopleand enjoy the warmth of good company.

Qigong practice
Qigong retreats
Join us in Marin County, California

Detailed Information

We invite you and your loved ones on this amazing experience. This is an incredible opportunity to heal deep wounds and create profound relationship connections. Together, we can create a loving and open-hearted world. 

September 21 – 25, 2024
Daily from 9:30am-5:30pm

This is a non-residential retreat
Lodging and meals are NOT included

Subud Center Marin
100 Sacramento Ave, San Anselmo, CA 94960
Please note this is an in-person event and will not be streamed online.

$575 Early Registration before August 21
$650 after August 21

Good to know

What to bring to the retreat
  • Packed lunch and snacks, meals are not included
  • Tablet/laptop or notebook & pens for personal notes and activities
  • Floor seating: cushion or backjack (chairs will be provided)
  • Warm shawl or blanket for sitting practice
  • Slippers or socks for the main practice areas
  • Layers of comfortable clothing, as weather at this time of year can be unpredictable and may range from hot to cool and rainy
  • Water bottle and/or insulated cup or Thermos for tea
Ride share or Room to offer?

If you’re interested in Ride Sharing or have a room to offer out of town guests, please contact Tracey Bigelow,

Covid Policy

the health and safety of everyone at the retreat, and those who have compromised immune systems, we ask that you please follow our COVID policy for the retreat.


  • All classes and talks will be held indoors
  • Masking is optional

We would ask you stay home if you become unwell and/or develop symptoms of a cold or flu, regardless of COVID testing results.

Thank you for ensuring that the retreat is a healthy experience for everyone. We look forward to being with you in September.

Looking after your mental health

You may notice that many of the suggestions for preparing for a Ren Xue event encourage you to be in a "relaxed, calm and natural" state. Feeling this way is necessary for you to be able to integrate new insights and grow, and also for your safety.

If your mental state is unstable or highly changeable and it is not within your ability to return to a calm state, we would advise that this is not the time to attend a Ren Xue event. The kind of mental states which are referred to here include but are not limited to the following;

  • severe depression
  • strong fluctuations of mood
  • mania
  • disturbing or racing thoughts
  • feelings of unreality
  • extreme sleep disturbance
  • paranoia
  • feeling unsafe due to thoughts of self-harm or others feeling unsafe around you
  • addiction
  • extreme and uncontrolled anxiety
  • or other significant mental health issues or disorders.

These experiences can be very distressing and our advice at this point would be for you to work with a health professional to stabilize your condition.

If, however you are comfortable that your mental health is relatively stable and that you can bring some clarity to any internal mental or emotional challenges that may come up as you reflect and work on your life, you are very welcome to participate, and may experience much benefit.

If you had a severe condition in the past or are currently experiencing a mild to moderate mental health disorder, we would encourage you to engage with support before, during and after the event. Participation is at your own risk, and you are strongly advised to discuss the potential risks and benefits of taking part with a health professional who knows you well beforehand. Sometimes current or previously challenging experiences do come up during a Ren Xue event. The Mental Health Advisory team of Ren Xue is also available to discuss your situation with you in confidence if that would be helpful. They are a team of experienced Ren Xue teachers and retired mental health professionals who advise Ren Xue participants and teachers around mental health matters.

Now that you have read this through, we hope you are clearer on the right decision for you. If you have decided that you would like to take part, please know that if you feel challenged or overwhelmed or have questions over the course of the event, you will have the support of many experienced teachers and we encourage you to reach out to any of the many helpful people available;

  • teachers you already know or have had support from in the past
  • teachers you meet as the event unfolds who feel like the right person to talk to
  • your event contact person who emails you with updates
  • the Guidance Team of Ren Xue
  • your own health practitioner if you have one
  • the Mental Health Advisory (MHA) - contact your event contact person for details

We are all here to help. Most of us have experienced various challenges as we have learnt and practiced Ren Xue. For many of us, the support of our fellow Ren Xue teachers and practitioners has been essential in transforming our challenges into real growth in our own lives and our ability to help others.

Financial assistance

Who is eligible?
People living in North or South America who could not attend the event without financial assistance.

Guidelines for applying
The Financial Assistance Fund is a very limited fund donated by generous individual Ren Xue practitioners. It is intended to help those truly unable to attend the event without financial support. We are asking you to refrain from applying if you have the necessary funds in the form of savings or if you can find other means of assistance through family or friends.

It is not possible for us to make a true assessment of your needs because financial situations are complex. This is why we are asking you to make that assessment yourself. Please take time to reflect on your situation, as your decision will affect others.

What the funds are for
Each Financial Assistance recipient will receive an equal amount. Financial Assistance is not a cash award. It will be applied towards the recipient’s registration fees. Recipients are expected to follow the schedule for registration and payments as outlined in the Financial Assistance Schedule.

Keep track of the schedule posted below. Once you hear back from the Financial Assistance Committee, you’ll need to follow the schedule. All payments need to be received by the dates posted below. 

Financial Assistance is made possible by the generous contributions of donors to the Financial Assistance Fund. All prices are in US Dollars.

Financial Assistance Schedule

Deadline What’s Due Amount
June 15, 2024 DEADLINE TO APPLY for financial assistance (FA).  
July 1, 2024 RECIPIENTS NOTIFIED by email. Recipients will receive equal amounts ($200 USD)
July 15, 2024 PAYMENT DUE Full payment must be received by this date. BALANCE DUE ($375 USD)
July 16 – August 1, 2024 LATE PAYMENT
If payment deadline was missed, late fee applies.
+ $50 fee

If you have any question, please contact our event coordinator Tracey Bigelow:

Please Register Here

“Most other learning we have done in life is to gain knowledge. But this is completely different. We are using this learning to change life and to grow.”

Yuan Tze