Espacio docente

El espacio de los profesores de REN XUE: ¡Desata tu potencial!

As a REN XUE teacher, you are part of a loving community committed to sharing REN XUE with others. In lively, ongoing gatherings, we will explore topics relevant to teaching REN XUE, in order to help us build confidence and embrace teaching with more ease, joy and authenticity.

Whether you already teach, or if you would like to, you are welcome to join our next Teachers’ Space gathering. The sessions are on a drop-in basis and free. From July onwards, sessions will be recorded so that all teachers can benefit.

Let’s have fun and continue growing together!

Join our next meet up on Sunday July 14th, 2024 10 AM -12 PM Pacific Time. The theme is: An open discussion on "mixed level" classes. 

Here we'll be exploring a situation that is common for Ren Xue / Yuan Gong teachers: How to cater to new students, while keeping more experienced students engaged in class? It'll be an opportunity for teachers to share any relevant experiences (the good and the growth-worthy!) ideas and creative approaches. There'll also be time to connect in smaller groups.

From July onwards, sessions will be recorded so that all teachers can benefit.

Lula Dolz

Lula Dolz

Las sesiones son facilitadas por nuestra profesora de REN XUE Lula Dolz, una profesora apasionada a la que le encanta crear espacios acogedores para que la gente conecte. Residente en México, Lula es coordinadora de Ren Xue América Latina. También enseña Yuan Qigong a nivel local, tanto en español como en inglés.

Práctica en grupo de qigong

¡Empieza a aprender Qigong con nuestros packs de cursos!