Ling Yuan

Body, Qi, and Jingshen (consciousness, heart, and Shen/True Self), are the components of every human being. These parts of ourselves support us in opening our heart and realizing our true nature. The nine methods of Yuan Qigong address these aspects of ourselves, too, including the heart.. Which component of our being is likely to open the heart most efficiently? In this topic, Yuan Tze explains the utility of each. The videos are short. Try to take a pause after each one to explore and reflect on your own experiences. 

The Body

From the Whirling Dervishes of the Melvlevi order to the celibacy of Roman Catholic priests, many spiritual paths have advocated a physical discipline or approach. How effective a tool is the body likely to be for opening the heart?


Five Yuan Qigong methods focus primarily on Qi. Many Ren Xue practitioners were amazed to first experience an awareness of Qi and its movements. In the first methods of Yuan Qigong, we learn to gather, nourish, move and use Qi, and we come to recognize Qi in the world. Qi work is deeper than bodywork. Is it deep enough to open the heart?


The consciousness and the heart are powerful tools, but each has its own limitations. Looking at the patterns of our consciousness with our consciousness is like a thief trying to catch a thief! Without enlisting Shen (our True Self), we are likely to turn around and around as we try to get to the bottom of the patterns of our consciousness and heart.

The 3rd Stage of Tong Yuan

In Tong Yuan, the 7th method of Yuan Qigong, the first stage focuses on how we relate to ourselves and the world, the second, on feeling and manifesting each heart quality. The 3rd stage of the method previews today’s focus: understanding and manifesting the unconditional nature of each quality. This is the breakthrough stage. Trust, openness, love and gratitude have a different meaning when they are manifested unconditionally. When they are in your heart unconditionally, Gongjing is possible. When all 5 qualities are manifest, they are very powerful allies in changing patterns.