Yuan Tze Events

Connect with the Ren Xue Community

Live events with Yuan Tze, whether online or in person, offer special opportunities to connect – with the REN XUE community, with Yuan Tze, and, ultimately, with your own learning process.

Each year Yuan Tze conducts in person and live online workshops to expand and deepen our understanding of various aspects of Ren Xue. Participating in the live events is quite special.

Please note: Due to the time difference between New Zealand (NZ) and the Americas, online events noted on the Learn REN XUE website will take place one day earlier in the Americas.


7-Day bilingual retreat in Mexico with Norberto Rodrigues

January 26 - February 1

2-Day Online workshop with Yuan Tze Part 1

February 26 & 27 NZ

9-Day retreat in California with Yuan Tze

April 13-21

2-Day Teacher workshop with Yuan Tze

June 22 & 23 NZ

2-Day Online workshop with Yuan Tze Part 2

August 26 & 27 NZ

5-Day retreat with Fiona McLaughlin in California

September 21-25

REN XUE Global Awakening Day

October 6

10-Day retreat in New Zealand and Online with Yuan Tze (online and in-person)

November 15-24 NZ


8-Day bilingual retreat in Mexico with Norberto Rodrigues

February 25 - March 4

2-Day Online workshop with Yuan Tze Part 1

Dates will be published in fall