You’re interested in Qigong but unsure what it is or how to sort the results when searching ‘Qigong near me?’ Not to worry. This article will support you to choose the practice that is suitable for you. Yuan Qigong methods are easy to learn and practice and suitable for everyone. There are more than 600 Yuan Qigong teachers and teachers in training in over 30 countries.

Writing for Qiblog
Heart Based Teaching in Children’s Education
My heart sang with happiness. It was working. My youngest was thriving. Some might say it was the innovative school pilot project making the difference. And yes, there are several factors making that true. But, at the heart of it all, I would say it’s the natural human qualities that profoundly touch us all that are making the real difference. See why heart-based teaching in children’s education is so important.
What is Trust
I once thought that trust was about trusting in a person, thing, or outcome. It was about having a desired sense of control over an outcome. This is not the kind of trust I refer to now. I’m referring to a trust that is more foundational to life. It is not at all dependent on an external set of circumstances. Learn how to cultivate trust from deep inside your heart.
Qigong for highly sensitive persons
When I talk to adults who consider themselves highly sensitive, I hear a pattern in their responses. They never felt like they belonged. Their ideas were mocked. They felt misunderstood and sometimes bullied. They all wished they had someone who understood them as a child and that they hadn’t needed to hide parts of themselves. Most of them stopped allowing themselves to feel free. Many of them lost connections with their hearts and the ability to be more aware in the world.
Why I became a Qigong Teacher
Why I became a Qigong Teacher Here is my story why I became a Qigong teacher: Two and a half years into a South Pacific sailing journey, I docked our cutter in Nelson, New Zealand. A few weeks later a woman in pink gumboots handed me a book called Voyage to the...
Qigong for Emotional Balance
BALANCE. We hear a lot about work-life balance these days. But what is balance anyway? And what is Qigong for emotional balance? Let’s try looking at the concept of balance from a Ren Xue perspective.
How to improve your Family Life with Qigong
How to improve your Family Life with Qigong It’s o’dark hundred and you hear your youngest child coughing. Still half asleep you tend to her. Eventually you hear the alarm clock ring in your bedroom down the hall. Too tired to turn it off, you begin the game of...
How to Cope with Family Stress
How to Cope with Family Stress Anchored with YUAN QIGONG and REN XUE Once upon a time, in a land much like this one, a young maiden sailed to the magical lands of Qigong. She stepped ashore and found a beautiful golden rock. She held the rock to her heart and wished...