Living from the Heart workshop series – Creativity

One-day Qigong online workshop









  • Part 6 of Yuan Tze' s workshop series LIVING FROM THE HEART
  • Conducted online, recordings available
  • Qigong practice with a global community
  • Fees: NZ$ 60

Start your path to opening your heart right now!

Developed by world-renowned Qigong Master Yuan Tze

  • Served as member of the Chinese Qigong Science Research Association
  • World-renowned healer and teacher
  • Founder of Ren Xue and Yuan Qigong

Qigong has changed the lives of people like you!

Practicing Yuan Qigong has changed the lives of many people. Please listen to Fraser's (New Zealand) and Marie-Laure's (France) experience they are sharing with us.

Fraser, New Zealand

Marie-Laure, France

Find solutions and build a better life with the creativity of your Heart

Your heart is a source of infinite creativity. In this workshop, Yuan Tze will invite you to open your heart, consciousness, and Shen to learn about and discover the creative power of your Xin Ling. He will also guide you through practical ways in which you can make good use of this creativity. The uplifting power of a truly connected heart can play an essential role in changing and sculpting your life. When used properly, it can not only benefit your own life but also help uplift humanity in a limitless way.

The program for this online event is designed so no matter where you are in the world, you can attend the three different activities available:

  1. Global community Yuan Gong Practice
  2. Yuan Tze's Teaching session
  3. Tea & Qi community gathering

Are you ready to connect with your infinite creativity to transform your life?