How to Become a Qigong Teacher?

Becoming a Qigong teacher can be a life-changing decision. If you are looking for new perspectives and deeply nourishing new experiences, this Teacher Training program is for you!

There is a global network of over 600 certified Yuan Qigong and Ren Xue teachers and teacher in-training worldwide, currently around 260 of them are teaching in the Americas. Get in touch and meet an open-hearted, dedicated community happy to support you on your Qigong journey!

What to expect from this Qigong journey

YUAN QIGONG and REN XUE are very special tools that anyone can use to uplift life on a very deep level. The practice can enhance health and initiate profound transformation to your Qi, body, mind and heart.

If you ever participated in a Qi healing conducted by a REN XUE teacher or if you had the chance to dive deeper into the Yuan Qigong methods and teachings, you will know what I am talking about.

Many of our Qigong teachers started the training because initially they just wanted to improve their health and well-being. Soon they realized that besides discovering new skills and purpose, all while enjoying a daily practice with powerful healing effects, they also received answers about their life and better understood the universal laws of life - answers they couldn’t find anywhere else before.


Why teach Yuan Qigong

Yuan Qigong is an innovative Qigong system, easy to learn and teach, highly effective and safe to practice, suitable for our modern time and lifestyles. It was designed by world-renowned teacher and healer YUAN TZE to address problems on all levels of life, support the natural healing process and initiate powerful transformation and personal growth. 

The nine methods of Yuan Qigong cover all areas of life and help uplift body, heart, mind and Qi as well as life itself:


To make Yuan Qigong and Ren Xue teacher training accessible to students from South, Central and North America, Ren Xue of the Americas (RXA) has developed a 9-week teacher training program to support teachers-in-training in the Americas.

Our online teacher training is designed to include both those who plan to teach Qigong as well as those who simply want to deepen their understanding of Qi and life, as well as experience better health, well-being and personal growth. Whether you are an experienced practitioner or relatively new to Qigong, this training will offer you much more than just Qigong. The REN XUE teachings provide a clear path of self-discovery, healing and growth. Through the teacher training program you will acquire the skills needed to help others to uplift their health and well-being.

Anyone from the Americas who wants to deepen their practice and knowledge about Qigong and Qi healing can apply for this training. No prior experience necessary. In addition to the benefits this training can bring to your life and to those around you, sharing your knowledge with others, seeing them heal and grow can be a deeply fulfilling path.

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What to expect from Level 1 Yuan Qigong Teacher Training

In the Level 1 Teacher Training you will learn to practice and be fully qualified to teach the following Yuan Qigong methods:

  • Gathering Qi (Tian Yuan): a powerful and enjoyable method to boost your energy levels and unify and exchange with nature and the universe
  • Nourishing Qi (Di Yuan): a breathing meditation standing form to deeply nourish your Qi and gain clarity, strength and focus

Further teachings:

  • Theory of Qi (your life force energy)
  • Experiencing and working with Qi
  • Building Qifields and leading Qi healing sessions
  • Teaching and leading Qigong sessions

Your benefits of Level 1 Qigong Teacher Training

  • Learn how to calm and focus your mind
  • Learn powerful methods for relaxation and stress reduction
  • Clear blockages and boost your energy levels
  • Reconnect to your purpose and true nature
  • Gain new perspective on life
  • Develop new teaching skills and start teaching immediately

The 9-week program can be easily done from at home alongside work and requires a time commitment of approximately 50 hours during these 9 weeks.

Once you have passed the assessment (written and practical exam) you will become a Certified Yuan Qigong Teacher qualified to teach the Yuan Qigong Methods 1&2 (Tian Yuan and Di Yuan).

Join our mailing list and get notified when registrations are opening for our next teacher training in the Americas

Your teachers

Experienced level-6 REN XUE teachers and coaches will guide you through this training and individually support your learning.

You will have access to the original teachings by Yuan Tze and learn directly form him about the theory of Qi.

World-renowned Qigong master and teacher Yuan Tze, the founder of Ren Xue and Yuan Qigong, created this innovative new Qigong system to help people address the root causes of their suffering. YUAN QIGONG and REN XUE offer safe, effective and comprehensive tools for far-reaching transformation and life cultivation. In his teachings Yuan Tze generously shares his profound knowledge of the universal laws of human life with his students.

In this training you will have access to the video recordings of his original teachings for Level 1 teacher training.