Qigong is based on traditional Chinese medicine and the theoretical focus of both is Qi. This is a very different paradigm from that of Western thinking and the explanation of how Qigong works requires some background.

Writing for Qiblog
The Best Qigong Practices
Which are the best Qigong practices for you? One thing I realized is that you need to consider carefully what you would like to get out of a Qigong practice. Is it better health? A sense of flow? Mental clarity? More relaxation? Once you’ve embarked on your practice, keep track of your progress to see if you are getting the benefits you want. Here is what Yuan Qigong has to offer.
Managing Stress with Qigong
Managing Stress with Qigong Managing stress with Qigong is really possible. Qigong offers a unique approach to managing stress. You may think Qigong is solely an exercise routine, but it’s so much more than that. In addition to its fluid movements, Qigong...
Mindfulness Meditation and Qigong
Mindfulness and Qigong Mindfulness Meditation and Qigong share a number of key elements. With its roots in Buddhist practice, Jon Cabat-Zinn brought mindfulness to the mainstream when he incorporated it into a program at the University of Massachusetts’s...
Awareness Inside – The Six Verses and the Hokey Pokey
Awareness Inside – The Six Verses and the Hokey Pokey Like the Hokey Pokey the language of the Six Verses is an invitation to the dance. The elegant verbal choreography leads you in a sequence that unifies your consciousness with your body, Qi, and the Universe...
Where does loneliness come from?
Where does loneliness come from? Where does loneliness come from and what can you do when you feel lonely? Loneliness signals a loss of connection with that which is most essential - our hearts. What are the habits of your heart? Are you trusting? Open? Loving?...
What are Qifields?
What are Qifields? The universe is composed of Qi (energy) and Qi is organized into fields - or Qifields. Remember in Star Wars, when Obi Wan Kenobi said, “There’s a disturbance in the Force.” We all more or less knew what he meant. Obi Wan then explained that...
What is Qi?
What is Qi? Qi is the Animating Force and Material of the Universe. It can be particle, wave, energy or matter and is directed by the information it contains. When someone says, “he has good energy” it’s their experience of that person’s Qi, as energy, that they are...