Qigong for Trust and Creativity


Qigong is an excellent tool to cultivate trust and enhance your creativity.

Why trust is essential - an artist’s reflection on creativity

The journey of a human lifetime is an extraordinary opportunity to harness the phenomenal wisdom that is available in all creation. We are not lonely travelers through a strange universe, though some days it may feel like it. Rather, we are like the meeting of two threads, existing as an intrinsic point within the tapestry of life, connecting all that has come before and will come after into a singular experience that holds together the fabric of totality. 

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"Jerusalem Tulip" painting by Olivia Kathryn Hinds

Creativity and trust

A cook trusts the nature of fire, stone, and metal to contain and concentrate heat and the nature of transformation to sustain her. An artist trusts the nature of water and mineral to move in harmony with the dancing of her hands. 

Creativity does not happen by force but by trust. This should come as a great relief. It means that we can lay our burden down, surrender to nature and open ourselves to the universal wisdom that we are naturally a container for. The secrets of nature are so simple that they seem to go unnoticed as humanity digs its heels in and rolls its sleeves up in pursuit of greatness. But our greatness lies in our surrender to the great Qifield that sustains us. 

Being a portal for the universe

When we move through the human experience with an open heart, our soul has the opportunity to expand and infuse its wisdom into our awareness. Before birth and after death our awareness continues to develop as a part of the constellation that makes up totality. We do not move as independent forms in space, but as portals through which the universe moves itself.

For many of us, it can be easy to trust the nature of the elements. They have a predictable order: we can anticipate, manipulate, and benefit from understanding them. Trusting our fellow humans, however, can be a different story.

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"Moon and Son" painting by Olivia Kathryn Hinds

How can we trust others

How can we know other humans won’t hurt us, or make bad decisions? The short answer is, we can’t. But we can trust others to follow their nature, their law of life. When we release from judging whether someone’s actions are good or bad, and accept that their actions are a part of their nature, it is less likely that we will be negatively affected by who they are.

How to trust yourself

The real question is, do we trust ourselves? Have we cultivated a loving relationship with ourselves so that when faced with a difficult situation, we don’t abandon ourselves? Do we love ourselves enough to hold ourselves accountable, lovingly set boundaries with others, follow through on our promises, and care for the things we have been blessed with? 

For many of us, the inability to trust others is rooted in the distrust of ourselves. Our eyes are always watching us, our ears are always hearing us, our mind knows every thought that forms within us, and our bodies are records of all we do. Our body and consciousness are keenly aware of whether or not we can be trusted to love and care for our true self.


"Relief" painting by Olivia Kathryn Hinds

How to cultivate trust in ourselves

A good place to start is with our word. Do you keep your word? Do you say things that are untrue or twist the truth to justify other unhealthy patterns? Do you come up with excuses when you fail to do what you promised? Simply working on aligning your words and actions with truth and authenticity will do wonders for cultivating trust. From this place, there will be opportunities to work on accountability, responsibility, healthy boundaries, kindness, respect, and humility.

Another helpful place to begin is to start caring for all the things in your life that you’ve been blessed with. When we mismanage our blessings, we are sending a direct signal to ourselves that we cannot be trusted to properly steward the things we are responsible for. For some of us, this may feel overwhelming. It is okay to start small. Focus on one thing at a time. Maybe it is choosing to declutter your coffee table, or water a thirsty plant. If that feels like too much at the moment, simply finding gratitude for the things we have can begin to cultivate in us the energy needed to take thoughtful action.

Trust and community

When we trust ourselves, we build an internal strength that extends outward to others. Building trust in ourselves cultivates honorable self-government and once an individual has achieved this, they readily extend that trust to others. A community of individuals who are trusted to follow their law of life and cultivate their true nature will undoubtedly create a society that holds within it the principles of a healthy life: a life cultivated first from within and which radiates the five heart qualities: love, trust, openness, gratitude, and true respect.

painting landscape with river

"Mystic Monastery" painting by Olivia Kathryn Hinds

Qigong for cultivating trust

Ren Xue has developed two profound Qigong methods with which you can examine unhealthy patterns and cultivate the five heart qualities: love, trust, openness, gratitude, and true respect. Tong Yuan (Opening The Heart) is a series of still practices that help you to go deep into your heart and strengthen its natural state. Ling Yuan (Changing Patterns) provides a practice by which we learn to identify and transform unhealthy patterns. The use of these two methods in tandem provides a solid foundation from which our creative true selves can emerge naturally.

Learn more about the 5 essential Heart qualities and our powerful heart-opening meditations in our At Home Learning Program.

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About The Author

drawing of Olivia, a young woman with long hair

Olivia Kathryn Hinds

Ohio, USA
Olivia Kathryn Hinds is an American artist, designer, writer and mother. She serves as the graphic designer for Ren Xue of the Americas and Ren Xue International. Along with her husband, son and mother, Olivia also helps run their family business, Sunflower Sundries, a small farm-based operation providing handmade soaps, preserves, condiments and heirloom corn. Olivia is a classically trained artist whose artwork is held in private and public collections. No matter what Olivia’s work is, her focus is to be in service to the uplifting of humanity. Whether it is serving Ren Xue, writing an essay, or nurturing her child, the principles of Ren Xue are used to achieve benevolent outcomes for all.