Qigong near me

Qigong near me

You’re interested in Qigong but unsure what it is or how to sort the results when searching ‘Qigong near me?’ Not to worry. This article will support you to choose the practice that is suitable for you. Yuan Qigong methods are easy to learn and practice and suitable for everyone. There are more than 600 Yuan Qigong teachers and teachers in training in over 30 countries.

What is Mindfulness

What is Mindfulness

Mindfulness is bringing awareness to the present moment. It is the ability to be in and truly experience the present moment. Yuan qigong helps cultivate true awareness to every moment of life and living in the present moment. Join us for a practice and feel the difference!

What is Yuan Qigong

What is Yuan Qigong

What is Yuan Qigong and what does it mean to me personally? The short answer, is that I have made more clear and direct progress in uplifting life using Yuan Qigong than I have with other spiritual systems. Yuan Qigong is a comprehensive, safe, and effective Qigong system for our modern world. The practice supports your health and healing journey and uplifts your whole life.

Meditation for Better Sleep

Meditation for Better Sleep

Scientific studies have shown that mindfulness meditations of various types can improve aspects of sleep because they help to calm down the nervous system and quiet the mind. Try this free guided meditation for better sleep, more happiness and well-being and experience effective Qigong tools to improve your health and calm your mind.

What is the Greatest Treasure in Life?

What is the Greatest Treasure in Life?

What are the greatest treasures in your life and what does Ren Xue offer to help achieve them? The Ren Xue High Five are defined as the true treasures of life and comprise health, happiness. a sense of wellbeing, personal development and contribution back to the world. Learn how to cultivate and grow your life with Ren Xue a modern system based on ancient wisdom teachings for improving life on all levels.

The Best Qigong Practices

The Best Qigong Practices

Which are the best Qigong practices for you? One thing I realized is that you need to consider carefully what you would like to get out of a Qigong practice. Is it better health? A sense of flow? Mental clarity? More relaxation? Once you’ve embarked on your practice, keep track of your progress to see if you are getting the benefits you want. Here is what Yuan Qigong has to offer.