Ren Xue of the Americas QiBlog

How to Cope with Family Stress

How to Cope with Family Stress

How to Cope with Family Stress Anchored with YUAN QIGONG and REN XUE Once upon a time, in a land much like this one, a young maiden sailed to the magical lands of Qigong. She stepped ashore and found a beautiful golden rock. She held the rock to her heart and wished...

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Qigong Squats

Qigong Squats

What are Qigong Squats?   Squats can be a very powerful tool to support your health and to strengthen your body and mind. Qigong squats can be used to gain inner calm, strengthen the body and focus the mind. See how this ancient practice also works as a...

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Qigong for Endometriosis

Qigong for Endometriosis

Qigong for Endometriosis   Is Qigong helpful for endometriosis? Endometriosis is a debilitating, painful, chronic condition that many women suffer from worldwide. It is not yet fully understood by medical science. Qigong and my Journey with Endometriosis After I...

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Where does loneliness come from?

Where does loneliness come from?

Where does loneliness come from?   Where does loneliness come from and what can you do when you feel lonely? Loneliness signals a loss of connection with that which is most essential - our hearts. What are the habits of your heart? Are you trusting? Open? Loving?...

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Finally Finding True Happiness

Finally Finding True Happiness

Finally Finding True Happiness   What is happiness? Are you happy? Really truly happy, deep inside? It‘s what we all long for but that kind of happiness often seems elusive.  When we ask ourselves why that might be, we could start by questioning what makes us...

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What is Enlightenment?

What is Enlightenment?

What is Enlightenment? Throughout history, people have explored human potential and have yearned for what is often referred to as Enlightenment, Awakening or Self-Realization. Let's look at enlightenment and our true potential as human beings from the perspective of...

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Can Qigong heal?

Can Qigong heal?

Can Qigong heal?   How in the world did I ever get so committed to Qigong and can Qigong really heal? Some years ago, having finally decided to have a full replacement of my right knee, my wife, Kim, invited me to join her for a two-week Qigong and Ren Xue...

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Creativity Workshop

Creativity Workshop

Living from the Heart workshop series – Creativity One-day Qigong online workshop  Part 6 of Yuan Tze' s workshop series LIVING FROM THE HEART Conducted online, recordings available Qigong practice with a global community Fees: NZ$ 60 Start your path to opening...

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Yuan Qigong in Africa

Yuan Qigong in Africa

Yuan Qigong in Africa Interview with Louise Pannell from REN XUE Africa   Louise Pannell is a YUAN QIGONG and REN XUE Teacher, Co-founder and director at REN XUE Africa based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She holds weekly classes - online and in-person, and...

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How to start Qigong

How to start Qigong

How to start Qigong   How to start Qigong is a good question. And why does a person decide to begin a Qigong practice? There are lots of catalysts but mine was a feeling of desperation? I was at a place in my life that was beyond just being uncomfortable…it was...

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Interview with Norberto Rodrigues

Interview with Norberto Rodrigues

Interview with Norberto Rodrigues Some Among Us Are Already Free Norberto Rodrigues is a Ren Xue teacher, YUAN QIGONG instructor and skilful Qi therapist based in Lisbon, Portugal. Student of Chinese life cultivation teacher Yuan Tze since 2011 to the present. In 2018...

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What are Qifields?

What are Qifields?

What are Qifields?   The universe is composed of Qi (energy) and Qi is organized into fields - or Qifields. Remember in Star Wars, when Obi Wan Kenobi said, “There’s a disturbance in the Force.” We all more or less knew what he meant. Obi Wan then explained that...

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Improving health with Qigong

Improving health with Qigong

Improving health with Qigong   Improving health with Qigong - is that possible? This is Fraser's personal story: Fraser started practicing YUAN QIGONG in 2010 when he was 24 years old. At this time, he was fully immersed as a competitive rugby player in Otago,...

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Science and Qigong

Science and Qigong

Science and Qigong   It hasn’t been easy to form an alliance between science and Qigong so far. Should we keep trying? Is science important for Qigong? The answer is probably yes, at least if we want to expand the practice of Qigong to others who might benefit...

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Does Qigong healing really work

Does Qigong healing really work

Does Qigong healing really work   Qigong healing - does it really work? This is Marie-Laure's personal story. She started practicing Qigong in 2010. She had a lump in her breast and was able to heal herself while attending a Qigong retreat with YUAN TZE in...

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Covid-19 Vaccines and Qigong

Covid-19 Vaccines and Qigong

Covid-19 Vaccines and Qigong   The following article about Covid-19 vaccines and Qigong does not take a position as to whether or not to get vaccinated. Rather, it looks at the question: “Can Qigong practice positively influence our bodies and support us when...

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Is Qigong safe?

Is Qigong safe?

Is Qigong safe?   Qigong has been in Chinese culture for a long time and many methods have been developed during its long history. Depending on the intention of the method, it can affect change to various aspects of life, including the body, Qi and the...

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Interview with Yuan Tze

Interview with Yuan Tze

Interview with Yuan Tze     YUAN TZE is a life cultivation teacher and Qigong master originally from China. In 2002 he arrived in Wellington, New Zealand and established the first ever Ren Xue center for life cultivation. Today Ren Xue is an international...

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Natural Breathing – The Art of Cultivating Calm

Natural Breathing – The Art of Cultivating Calm

Natural Breathing - the Art of Cultivating Calm   Natural breathing is a key for cultivating calm and achieving peace of mind. When I first started learning Yuan Qigong, it became apparent to me that I wasn’t achieving the calm states that the other students appeared...

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Heal Yourself With Qigong

Heal Yourself With Qigong

Heal Yourself With Qigong   Do you want to learn how to heal yourself with Qigong? First, we’ll give you an idea of what to expect from Qigong. Getting familiar with Qigong I admit that my first encounter with Qigong was not easy at all. I came from a strong yoga...

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How to Relax

How to Relax

How to relax with Qigong?   Learn more about how to relax with Qigong and why is it not difficult A relaxed state is not achieved with an on-and-off switch. For most of us, even when we feel relaxed it’s only a relative state of relaxation– we’re more relaxed in...

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Depression, anxiety, trauma and Qigong

Depression, anxiety, trauma and Qigong

Depression, anxiety, trauma and Qigong   As this month is officially designated as “Mental Health Month”, it seems appropriate to address the issue of trauma and anxiety and the efficacy of Qigong practices in working with these issues. The obvious question is,...

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Qigong and Chronic Illness

Qigong and Chronic Illness

Qigong and Chronic Illness Is Qigong beneficial when suffering from Chronic Illness? For the past five years, Yuan Qigong teachers have been teaching through cancer programs in Marin County, CA, and Santa Barbara, CA. Beginning by teaching a simple practice aimed at...

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What is Qi?

What is Qi?

What is Qi? Qi is the Animating Force and Material of the Universe. It can be particle, wave, energy or matter and is directed by the information it contains. When someone says, “he has good energy” it’s their experience of that person’s Qi, as energy, that they are...

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What is Qigong?

What is Qigong?

What is Qigong?   Qigong is a Healing Art. It is also an important branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine known as “Chinese Yoga” and has significant similarities to Tai Chi, as both work on Qi and life. In a practice, body movement, breathing techniques, sound,...

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